Wednesday, July 11, 2007

E3 News Flash

WII ZAPPER: New gun-shaped housing for Wiimote and nunchuck. To be sold for $19.99 and packaged with unnamed game or games. Games built to take advantage of Zapper include new Resident Evil and Medal of Honor titles. Quote: "What's more fun than whack-a-mole? Try zap-a-zombie."

SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL: Will be released Dec. 3.

NEW CHANNEL: "Check Mii Out," where you can upload your Miis and have them voted on.

MARIO KART WII: Coming out first quarter 2008 -- and it's online! Online battle racing mode. Game comes packaged
with new Wii Wheel.

WII BALANCE BOARD: New wireless, weight-sensitive mat to come with new fitness training game Wii Fit.

SUPER MARIO GALAXY: Due on store shelves Nov. 12.

BRAIN AGE 2: Coming out Aug. 20.

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