Whew ... as I've written recently, it's been a busy time, but it finally looks like things are settling back down to normal. Memorial Day weekend was the culmination of all our plans, but it was a tough one with a long weekend/mini-vacation thrown into the mix.
The weekend began Friday afternoon, as I finished work a little early and rushed home to gather the family and head for Lexington, where Alan lives. The plan was to drive there, check in to our motel, pick up Alan and head over to watch Lexington's minor league baseball team, the Legends. The way it was working out, we had just enough time to make it, as long as no unforeseen impediments arose. Unfortunately, such impediments did arise, as we had to stop at a couple of stores to pick up some last minute supplies, then realized we had left some papers we needed at home and had to go back.
Long story short, we arrived at the ballpark about an hour late. We headed up to the ticket counter and I just happened to overhear the clerk tell the person at the window next to me that they started letting people in for free at the top of the fifth inning, and it was right then the bottom of the fourth. Needless to say, we opted to be cheapskates.
The ballgame was fun. This was my first time to a minor league game, after going to my first Major League game (the Reds) earlier this year. Comparing the two, I definitely had much more fun watching the Legends.
The next morning, we were up bright and early to drive to Branson, Missouri. My wife bought one of those super-cheap two-night trips last year, and we had a year to use it, so we were pretty much at the point where we had to go. There were two major drawbacks -- a 700-mile drive and a timeshare presentation on the other side. We toughed it out and had a good time, but I imagine that's the last time we go to Branson. We can do and see nearly all the same things in the Smokies, and that's half the distance. Branson was fun, but it's just too far to drive.
So, now that that's all over, I'll have more time to devote to this blog and, hopefully, playing some video games. And as this site is still fairly new, I'm still tinkering with how it's presented. I began The Wii-kly News as a Sunday feature, but then it dawned on me that that was a dumb idea, since Virtual Console games are released on Mondays and new releases come out (usually) on Tuesday. So now I'm thinking that Wednesday is a good day for The Wii-kly News.
Oh yeah, I neglected to mention that before all this began, I had a birthday. So now I can sign my posts ...
-- by Dad, age 38
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Wii-kly News
Upcoming Game News & Rumors
Additional Nintendo Wii Pokemon Battle Revolution Details Revealed - NintendoRevolution.ca
Atari announced Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - 411mania.com
DBZ3 Kicking On Nintendo Wii - Game Feed
Resident Evil 4 Nintendo Wii Edition: breathtaking 3D graphics and effects - Product Reviews
Indianapolis 500 Legends Speeds to Nintendo DS, Wii - Game Freaks 365
Ubisoft Confirms Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 Nintendo Wii/DS Exclusive - Video Game Generation
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 for Wii - I4U
Ubisoft Getting More Casual; Coaching Wii and DS Players this Fall - Video Game Generation
Global Star Software Announces Carnival Games for Nintendo Wii - Game Guru
Carnival Games Exclusively For Nintendo's Wii - So Hood
Wii Heads to the Carnival - Game Feed
LEGO Star Wars Officially Announced for Wii, PS3, 360, and DS - Video Game Generation
Star Wars Saga Hitting Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, DS - Portable Planet
My Coach Series Announced For Wii & DS - Revolution Portal
New Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure Screenshots - Video Game Generation
Nintendo Wii Smash Bros Re-Launch: First Impressions - NintendoRevolution.ca
Guitar Hero III (Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2) Announced By Activision - Portable Planet
Guitar Hero 3 Rockin' to Wii - N-Sider.com
Geometry Wars Arrives On Nintendo Wii, DS - Portal IT
Geometry Wars: Galaxies announced for Nintendo Wii and DS - Nintendophiles
“Geometry Wars: Galaxies” on Nintendo DS and Wii? - Game Guru
Report: Nintendo Wii, DS Take On Geometry Wars - NintendoRevolution.ca
Geometry Wars: Galaxies coming to Nintendo Wii, DS - Gizmag
Confirmed on Nintendo Wii: Geometry Wars Galaxies - Product Reviews
Bucket Load Of Nintendo Wii Games Coming Soon - Smart House
Big Nintendo Wii, DS Games Dated Including Metroid Prime 3 - Video Game Generation
Nintendo Wii & DS Summer Lineup - Game Feed
Game News & Reviews
Mario Party 8 for the Nintendo Wii: totally new flavor - Product Reviews
Mario Party 8 Ships for Nintendo Wii - Video Game Generation
Namco Bandai Game ships Tamagotchi: Party On! for the Nintendo Wii - GameZone
Midway Ships Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Wii - Game Freaks 365
The Grim Adventures Of Bill And Mandy - New Zealand Herald
Nintendo Wii Review: Open Season - Blogcritics.org
Virtual Console News
Nintendo Wii Virtual Console Monday Arrives Blazing - NintendoRevolution.ca
Nintendo Wii VC Monday: Memorial Day Questing - Video Game Generation
Super Mario Brothers 2 comes to Nintendo Wii Virtual Console - TechWhack
Original downloadable games coming to Nintendo Wii - Monsters and Critics.com
Square Enix to Release First Nintendo Wii VC Title - Video Game Generation
Hardware & Accessories News
Wii Light Gun: Better Than Nintendo Wiimote - Product Reviews
Nintendo Wii Combat Pack: improve fighting experience - Product Reviews
Nintendo Wii Game Console - Home Theater Magazine
Xbox 360 Gaming With Nintendo Wii Controller? - Xbox Today
Wii Life
Nintendo Wii: All fun and games, until someone gets hurt - KOMO - Seattle,WA
Edmonton Hospital Using Nintendo Wii As Rehab Tool - Escapist Magazine
Nintendo Wii Ultimate Fitness Gadget: Big Weight Loss - Product Reviews
Win a Frosty Nintendo Wii - Game Feed
GameStop, EB offer new Wii bundles to customers - Punch Jump
Nintendo Company News
Nintendo says “Wii expect to see ourselves in 35 Million US homes by 2012 - iTWire
Can Nintendo sell 35 willion Wii's by 2012? - iTWire
Wii lifecycle may last more than five years: Harrison - Canada.com
Analyst Predicts Nintendo Wii Shortages And Less PS3 Supply - S-Times
Nintendo Wii going strong in console war - about-electronics.eu
Wii-Haw! Nintendo Tops Monthly Console Sales Again - CIO Today
Media Create Sales For PS3, Xbox 360, Wii - PS3Center.net
Wii Still Damn Near Impossible to Find Through Holidays: Money Men - CrunchGear
Nintendo Wii Continues To Dominate - E Canada Now
Nintendo Wii To Beat PS3, Xbox 360 Because Of Simplicity? - NintendoRevolution.ca
Icarus Soaring onto Nintendo Wii - Video Game Generation
Other News
GameStop Profit Doubles on Nintendo Wii Game Sales - Bloomberg
Friday, May 25, 2007
Game Review: Tiger Woods '07
I just recently received this game but I already love it. So far, about 90% of my shots are slices but I have just been compensating for this by aiming to the left. It has been a long time since I played real golf but if I remember right, I used to slice a lot of shots so in that respect, the game has been realistic.
I created a character and in the first day of my first tournament, I shot 44 over par. Sadly, that isn't too far off from my real game either. Okay, I wasn't quite that bad but let's just say of all the sports I played, I was the least talented at golf. I think on the second day of my first tournament (on the Wii), I shot around 25 over par. Not much to be proud of but hey, at least its progress.
Despite my lack of success, I really do like the game. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys golf games. The only caveat I will throw out there is that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
will be out in August as my brother just posted. So you may want to think twice before shelling out a lot of money for '07 if you plan on buying '08 when it comes out.
I created a character and in the first day of my first tournament, I shot 44 over par. Sadly, that isn't too far off from my real game either. Okay, I wasn't quite that bad but let's just say of all the sports I played, I was the least talented at golf. I think on the second day of my first tournament (on the Wii), I shot around 25 over par. Not much to be proud of but hey, at least its progress.
Despite my lack of success, I really do like the game. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys golf games. The only caveat I will throw out there is that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
Monday, May 21, 2007
Big brawling news coming later today
If you're a fan of the Super Smash Bros. series of games (and lord knows my sons are), today is a day you might want to hang out around your computer. At some point today, Nintendo will be releasing a whole lot of information on the latest incarnation of the game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Just head over to the Smash Bros. website and hit your "refresh" button from time to time. At some point, they will be updating it with what is expected to be a whole bunch of news about the new game for the Wii.
Just head over to the Smash Bros. website and hit your "refresh" button from time to time. At some point, they will be updating it with what is expected to be a whole bunch of news about the new game for the Wii.
Nintendo gives game release dates
Nintendo released an update on when we can expect some of their biggest titles to come out -- including the new Metroid game. But instead of pontificating, let's just head straight to the announcement.
Whether you’re a longtime gamer who likes classic franchises or a newcomer aiming to keep your brain sharp, Nintendo’s summer lineup of games has something for you. Nintendo’s offerings are anchored by key Wii™ games like Metroid Prime® 3 Corruption and Mario Strikers™ Charged. Nintendo DS™ owners can challenge their minds with games like Brain Age™ 2: More Training in Minutes a Day and the new picture-based puzzle game, Picross DS™.
Licensees also are demonstrating a strong commitment to Wii and Nintendo DS by announcing more than 40 titles in all genres. The unique controls of Wii and Nintendo DS make the Nintendo platform versions of these games entirely new experiences. No matter what your taste or experience level, you’ll keep busy this summer!Wii
July 30 Mario Strikers ChargedNintendo
Aug. 20 Metroid Prime 3 CorruptionNintendo
Aug. 14 High School Musical: Sing It!Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14 Madden NFL ’08EA
August 14 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08EA
August 30 Space Station Tycoon Namco Bandai
August Brunswick Pro Bowling Crave
August Dave Mirra BMX Challenge Crave
August Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection Crave
September Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo
September Brothers in Arms Ubisoft
September Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal Warner Bros.
September George of the Jungle Crave
Fall Boogie EANintendo DS
July 30 Picross DS Nintendo
Aug. 20 Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo
Sept. 10 DK Jungle Climber Nintendo
Sept. 24 Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol Nintendo
July SimCity EA
July Namco Museum DS Namco Bandai
July Drake & Josh THQ
July Glory Days 2 Eidos
Aug. 14 Madden NFL ‘08 EA
Aug. 14 High School Musical: Makin’ the Cut! Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14 Heroes of Mana Square-Enix
August I SPY: Fun House Activision
August Jewel Quest Expedition Activision
August Tiger Woods PGA Tour ‘08 EA
August Worms: Open Warfare 2 THQ
August Luminous Arc Atlus
August Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus Capcom
August Mega Man Star Force: Leo Capcom
August Mega Man Star Force: Dragon Capcom
August Operation: Vietnam Majesco
August Turn It Around Majesco
August The Wild West Majesco
August Fulllmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game Destineer
September Drawn to Life THQ
September Zoey 101 THQ
September Crayola Teasure Adventures Crave
September Nancy Drew and The Deadly Secret of Olde World Park Majesco
September Holly Hobbie & Friends Majesco
September Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Capcom
September Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck Warner Bros.
September Pet Luv Spa & Resort Tycoon Activision
September Animal Genius Activision
September George of the Jungle Crave
September Jam Sessions Ubisoft
September Professor Brainium Destineer
September Indy 500 Legends Destineer
A busy couple of weeks
Sorry to have been gone the past few days, but it's been a hectic time lately. May is like the perfect storm for Kentucky newspapers, with graduations and a primary election to contend with, so work has kept me from blogging lately. But even my free time has been consumed with activities lately, such as Paul's little league games, Mother's Day and a dreaded birthday for yours truly approaching this week.
But a couple of weeks ago, we had some serious gaming developments in my household. May 5 was Free Comic Book Day, and also the first weekend of the Spider-Man 3 movie. We planned to make a day of it, driving to the closest comic book shop, which was almost an hour away, and then going to the movies. To our surprise, the comic book shop was jam-packed when we arrived, and I knew it couldn't just be because of the free comics. Turns out the store was having their biggest sale of the year to coincide with Free Comic Book Day, and that included 20 percent off of all new videogames and 50 percent off all used games. Jackpot! About an hour later, I walked out with a fistful of comics as well as one new Wii game, two used Wii games and a handful of other items.
Our three Wii games included Super Paper Mario (new), Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Excite Truck. By far the best of the bunch is Super Paper Mario.
Now, I've never been a fan of the Paper Mario series. In fact, I had never even played the game before, but just judging from the box, it looked an awful lot like one of the classic Mario games and I figured the gameplay would be similar. I'm pleased to say my instinct turned out to be correct, and the game plays like a far superior version of Super Mario World. Once I get a little further in the game, I will post a review, but I can safely say it will be overwhelmingly positive. For now, let's just say that if you are a fan of the Mario series, Super Paper Mario is a must-own title. In fact, I would go as far as to say it's probably the overall best Wii game currently on shelves.
Of the other two games, I've only played Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and it's a pretty fun game. I've probably devoted only a half-hour total to the game, but I liked having the ability to choose different characters and using their different abilities. My only experience with Excite Truck has been to watch my sons play, and Paul seems to have the most fun with it.
All in all, it was a good day, and it ended with watching Spider-Man 3, which I thought was good, but not great. In fact, the movie seemed to drag in parts, and the comic book geek inside me wasn't entirely satisfied with changes they made from the original comics. Still, it's definitely worth seeing in theaters.
Well, my busy, busy world is calling me back to it, but things should settle down soon and allow me to post more regularly. I'll also encourage the boys to write some soon.
But a couple of weeks ago, we had some serious gaming developments in my household. May 5 was Free Comic Book Day, and also the first weekend of the Spider-Man 3 movie. We planned to make a day of it, driving to the closest comic book shop, which was almost an hour away, and then going to the movies. To our surprise, the comic book shop was jam-packed when we arrived, and I knew it couldn't just be because of the free comics. Turns out the store was having their biggest sale of the year to coincide with Free Comic Book Day, and that included 20 percent off of all new videogames and 50 percent off all used games. Jackpot! About an hour later, I walked out with a fistful of comics as well as one new Wii game, two used Wii games and a handful of other items.
Our three Wii games included Super Paper Mario (new), Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Excite Truck. By far the best of the bunch is Super Paper Mario.
Now, I've never been a fan of the Paper Mario series. In fact, I had never even played the game before, but just judging from the box, it looked an awful lot like one of the classic Mario games and I figured the gameplay would be similar. I'm pleased to say my instinct turned out to be correct, and the game plays like a far superior version of Super Mario World. Once I get a little further in the game, I will post a review, but I can safely say it will be overwhelmingly positive. For now, let's just say that if you are a fan of the Mario series, Super Paper Mario is a must-own title. In fact, I would go as far as to say it's probably the overall best Wii game currently on shelves.
Of the other two games, I've only played Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and it's a pretty fun game. I've probably devoted only a half-hour total to the game, but I liked having the ability to choose different characters and using their different abilities. My only experience with Excite Truck has been to watch my sons play, and Paul seems to have the most fun with it.
All in all, it was a good day, and it ended with watching Spider-Man 3, which I thought was good, but not great. In fact, the movie seemed to drag in parts, and the comic book geek inside me wasn't entirely satisfied with changes they made from the original comics. Still, it's definitely worth seeing in theaters.
Well, my busy, busy world is calling me back to it, but things should settle down soon and allow me to post more regularly. I'll also encourage the boys to write some soon.
The Wii-kly News
Upcoming Game News & Rumors
Rock Band Tuning on the Nintendo Wii? - Game Guru
Nintendo Wii Will Rock, but for How Much? - GizmoCafe
Capcom Pulls Nintendo Wii Switcheroo - NintendoRevolution.ca
Crash of the Titans Announced for Wii, Xbox 360 and More - Video Game Generation
US Releases for FF Revenant Wings, Dragon Quest Swords & More - Cubed3
Soulcalibur Legends Will Arrive Only On Nintendo Wii - Portal IT
Square Enix Talks Exclusive Final Fantasy Game - Cubed3
New Square Enix Titles To Nintendo Wii, DS - NintendoRevolution.ca
PaRappa the Rapper team planning Wii game - Aussie-Nintendo.com
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground Unveiled - Cubed3
Tecmo Announces New Rygar Game for the Nintendo Wii - Associated Content
Namco Museum Remix to strike Nintendo Wii - Punch Jump
Namco Bandai Reveals Museum Remix for Nintendo Wii - Game Guru
The Nintendo Wii Shakes Up Namco Arcade Classics like Pac’n Roll , Galaga, Rally - GameZone
Namco Museum Remix Confirmed for Nintendo Wii - Video Game Generation
Nintendo Wii Rabbids Redux For 2007 - NintendoRevolution.ca
Shooter Karous confirmed for Wii - Nintendic
Nintendo Wii Gives Ultimate Duck Hunting A Shot - NintendoRevolution.ca
Ultimate Duck Hunting For Wii Coming July 2007 - Gaming Bits
Ultimate Duck Hunting to shoot Nintendo Wii - Punch Jump
Tomb Raider: Anniversary to Nintendo Wii - Fragland.net
Lara Croft Swings On To Nintendo Wii - NintendoRevolution.ca
Lara Croft Raids Wii - Nintendojo
Game News & Reviews
New Nintendo Wii Titles Rated by ESRB - Video Game Generation
Virtual Console News
Nintendo Wii VC Will Be Blazing This Monday - Video Game Generation
Capcom Q&A Hints at Wii Downloadables Future - 1UP.com
Nintendo Wii Virtual Console Sees Kong 2, Yoshi - Portable Planet
Nintendo's Wii gets three new games - Earthtimes.org
Hardware & Accessories News
Brando's Wii Crystal Cooler lights up your life - engadget
Thrustmaster T-charge+ NW Nintendo Wii Accessory Review - I4U
Nintendo Wii Combat Pack for Zelda - I4U
Wii Life
Ten Reasons why not to hate the Wii - Nintendic
Nintendo Wii steers virtual route toward youth fitness - Boston Globe
Nintendo Company News
Nintendo Wii Events: The Four Most Important For '07 - NintendoRevolution.ca
Ubisoft boss on Nintendo's Wii and DS - Aussie-Nintendo.com
Nintendo Wii Continues To Outpace Microsoft, Sony Videogame Consoles - InformationWeek
Nintendo Wii Dominated Xbox 360, PS3 In April - NintendoRevolution.ca
Report: Nintendo DS, Wii Drive US Games Sales Up 20 percent in April - Digital Media Wire
Nintendo Wii is Widening the Gap - Gearlog
Nintendo Wii took off running further - SlashGear
Nintendo Wii Outselling Sony PS3 - Coolest Gadgets
Nintendo Wii Leads Sales For Fourth Month in a Row - Slippery Brick
Sales 1st Place is Nintendo Wii Gaming Console - Product Reviews
Sony's quarterly loss widens on Playstation 3 costs, but forecast is rosy - Canada.com
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My first Wii online reviews: News and Weather
Although you can get weather info from a seemingly unlimited number of sources on the web, the weather application on the Wii is not only convenient but has a very user-friendly interface. It just has a nice look and feel to it. When I first saw it on there, I didn't really think it was a feature I would use but actually, I have been checking it frequently and feel I will continue to do so.
If you are like me, you probably saw this link on your Wii and thought news and news. What could they possibly have that would make theirs different? And for the most part, the answer to that is nothing. But like their weather, their news also has a nice look and feel to it. They do have one feature called "slide show" that basically does just what it says. When selected, headlines pop up on the screen every so many seconds. When you see one you like, you press the "A" button and the story is displayed. One of the neat aspects of "slide show" is that when going through the headlines, a marker travels across a map indicating where the story is from. For example, a headline about a sports story concerning the Chicago Cubs would have a circle on a map zoomed in to Chicago, Illinois.
Neither of the features mentioned above would be a reason to purchase the Wii but considering they are free to anyone who can access the internet with their console, they are nice little extras. I now prefer accessing both news and weather via the Wii to using my computer. I should mention however that while they do have a respectable amount of news available, it is no substitution for the amount of news you can find through a 1000 different websites. I would speculate that at most times, there are 10 to 20 stories available in each of their 7 topics (but don't hold me to that).
Although you can get weather info from a seemingly unlimited number of sources on the web, the weather application on the Wii is not only convenient but has a very user-friendly interface. It just has a nice look and feel to it. When I first saw it on there, I didn't really think it was a feature I would use but actually, I have been checking it frequently and feel I will continue to do so.
If you are like me, you probably saw this link on your Wii and thought news and news. What could they possibly have that would make theirs different? And for the most part, the answer to that is nothing. But like their weather, their news also has a nice look and feel to it. They do have one feature called "slide show" that basically does just what it says. When selected, headlines pop up on the screen every so many seconds. When you see one you like, you press the "A" button and the story is displayed. One of the neat aspects of "slide show" is that when going through the headlines, a marker travels across a map indicating where the story is from. For example, a headline about a sports story concerning the Chicago Cubs would have a circle on a map zoomed in to Chicago, Illinois.
Neither of the features mentioned above would be a reason to purchase the Wii but considering they are free to anyone who can access the internet with their console, they are nice little extras. I now prefer accessing both news and weather via the Wii to using my computer. I should mention however that while they do have a respectable amount of news available, it is no substitution for the amount of news you can find through a 1000 different websites. I would speculate that at most times, there are 10 to 20 stories available in each of their 7 topics (but don't hold me to that).
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Wii-kly News
Upcoming Game News & Rumors
Scarface On Nintendo Wii - Spong
EA Brings Simpsons To Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, More - Portable Planet
Project Rygar Announced For Nintendo Wii - NintendoRevolution.ca
Soul Calibur Legends coming to Nintendo Wii - TechWhack
Nintendo Wii Takes On Soul Caliber Legends - NintendoRevolution.ca
New Soul Calibur Legends Screenshots - Video Game Generation
Soulcalibur Legends Exclusive to Nintendo Wii - Game Freaks 365
Brace Yourself for a Euro (Mario) Party! - Cubed3
It’s A Nintendo Wii Mario Party (Who Could Ask For More?) - Portable Planet
Namco Favors Wii and Xbox 360 Over PS3 - PS3Center.net
EA's Spielberg game heading to Wii - CVG Online
Mario Strikers Charged New Nintendo Wii Screenshots and Details - Gameinfowire.com
Nintendo Wii Joins The Ghost Squad - Portable Planet
Ghost Squad Announced For Nintendo Wii - Gameinfowire.com
Sega's New Exclusive - Ghost Squad - Cubed3
Sega to deploy Ghost Squad to Nintendo Wii - Punch Jump
Arcade Shooter Ghost Squad Invades Wii - The Wiire
Ghost Squad on Wii - Spong
Ghost Squad Announced for Nintendo Wii - DailyGame
Chocobo Dungeon Explored on Nintendo Wii - Video Game Generation
Chocobo's Dungeon Coming To Wii - Gameworld Network
Tactical Combat Witches to Wii - Cubed3
Witches Hex Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PC - Portable Planet
New Project Witches Screenshots - Video Game Generation
Ben 10 Protects Nintendo Wii, PS2, DS, and PSP this Fall - Video Game Generation
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles Update - Cubed3
Resident Evil 4 Wii Priced - Gameworld Network
Game News & Reviews
Whip up dishes with 'Cooking Mama' on Wii - The Reporter
Jack Thompson attacks Wendy's Wii promo - Nintendic
Disappointing Outlook for Electronic Arts - Briefing.com
Nintendo Wii Review: Super Paper Mario - Blogcritics.org
US Nintendo Wii Top 10 Games For The Last Week Of April - NintendoRevolution.ca
Virtual Console News
Ninja Spirit Hits Wii VC Monday - Revolution Portal
Nintendo Wii VC Feels Ninja Spirit This Monday - Video Game Generation
[Nintendo Wii Media] New Ninja Spirit (VC) Screenshots - Video Game Generation
Dreamcast Classic on Wii? - Cubed3
Nintendo Wii Virtual Console Adds Trois - NintendoRevolution.ca
Rare Talks GoldenEye 007 on Virtual Console - Cubed3
Nintendo Wii VC Monday: Time to Save the Day - Video Game Generation
Hardware & Accessories News
Hackers finding uses for Nintendo Wii remotes - Providence Journal
Nintendo Wii blamed for injuries - TVNZ - New Zealand
Report: Nintendo Wii Boogie Will Include USB Headset - NintendoRevolution.ca
Nintendo Company News
Nintendo Wii Global Sales Hit 5.84 Million Worldwide - Associated Content
Golden Week Belongs to Nintendo (Wii & DS) - Cubed3
Wii continues PS3, Xbox 360 slaughter in Japan - TECH.BLORGE.com
Is Wii really GameCube 1.5? - Neoseeker
Nintendo: Wii have a supply problem - Cnet Asia
Nintendo CEO Iwata Explains Wii Shortage, Future Bleak - GizmoCafe
Nintendo Wii Dev Miyamoto: I Could Make Halo - S-Times
Nintendo Wii's Shiggy Dissed by Bungie - NintendoRevolution.ca
Wii and PS3 sales neck and neck in Australia - TECH.BLORGE.com
Wii Life
Nintendo's Wii: a marriage saver? - engadget
Wii-hab assigned to Canadian Patients - Slippery Brick
Google launches RSS reader for Nintendo Wii - Monsters and Critics.com
Keep Up With RSS Feeds On Your Nintendo Wii - Online Media Cultist
Google Reader for Nintendo Wii Released - I4U
Google Reader Does Nintendo Wii - Portable Planet
Other News
19-year-old Texan Wins Nintendo Wii for $1.48 in Bidwarslive.com - PR Web
Wii/Gamecube Coding Contest - Gizmodo.com
Friday, May 11, 2007
How I Fixed My Wii Remote When It Stopped Working
I was unpleasantly surprised last night when while playing with my Wii, my remote suddenly stopped working. I didn't drop it or hit it against anything or even lay it down for that matter. One second it was functioning normally and the next the remote's power was off. When I tried to turn it back on, the lights would blink several times and then it powered down again. The sytem would only power on and off if pressed the power button on the console. My first instinct was to change the batteries so I did (twice actually). I also tried resynchronizing the remote but of course that didn't work. Then I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to exchange it. I was also worried that the problem may have something to do with the Wireless Sensor Bar or even worse, the console. If that was the case, I would have to exchange the whole system. And if I needed to do that, I knew the chances of them actually having the Wii in stock was slim to none.
Fortunately, all that worry was for nothing as a couple of hours after the problem began I had an idea which I thought was a Hail Mary, but I decided to try it anyway. All I did was unplug the AC cord from the back of the console and plugged it back in. I honestly didn't think there was a chance it would work but I was willing to try anything. Imagine my surprise when I pressed the power button on the remote and everything was back to normal. Both the remote and the console powered up and I haven't had any problems since. So if you ever experience these same symptoms, try what I did before you start to worry. I hope it works for you too.
Fortunately, all that worry was for nothing as a couple of hours after the problem began I had an idea which I thought was a Hail Mary, but I decided to try it anyway. All I did was unplug the AC cord from the back of the console and plugged it back in. I honestly didn't think there was a chance it would work but I was willing to try anything. Imagine my surprise when I pressed the power button on the remote and everything was back to normal. Both the remote and the console powered up and I haven't had any problems since. So if you ever experience these same symptoms, try what I did before you start to worry. I hope it works for you too.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Gamers, Wii have a Problem: Defective Wrist Straps
I got online with my Wii today and I thought I should share the first message I received from Nintendo. After inspection I learned they made this announcement months back but I just now received it since I just got online. I am posting it for those who don't have their Wii on the net and therefore may not have seen this message. It seems to only concern the first Wiis bought. Here is the message:
"Nintendo has received some reports that when consumers swing the Wii Remote with the original version of the wrist strap using excessive force and accidentally let go, the cord connecting the controller to the wrist strap can break. Nintendo has made a new version of the Wii Remote wrist strap available to replace the original one used in early product shipments.
Please call (800) 859-4519 or visit http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/strapreplace.jsp to determine if you need to replace your wrist strap."
"Nintendo has received some reports that when consumers swing the Wii Remote with the original version of the wrist strap using excessive force and accidentally let go, the cord connecting the controller to the wrist strap can break. Nintendo has made a new version of the Wii Remote wrist strap available to replace the original one used in early product shipments.
Please call (800) 859-4519 or visit http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/strapreplace.jsp to determine if you need to replace your wrist strap."
Come on, Namco ... Wii love Katamari, too!
I'm not a soap opera fan, but I feel like I'm getting my fill of drama from the seemingly neverending Wii/Katamari saga. Namely, will they or won't they bring the Katamari Damacy series to the Wii?
If you're looking for an answer to that, just try Googling "Katamari Wii" and you'll get plenty of answers, all different. Apparently, online retailers seem to believe that the latest installment of the game, Beautiful Katamari, will be coming to the Wii, since they have already added product pages for the game. For instance, if you look for Beautiful Katamari on Amazon,
you'll find that they list the game coming out for Wii on Nov. 1. Other sites also list a Katamari game for Wii, but the release dates differ widely. Some say the game will be out as early as Oct. 24 this year, while Buy.com is saying it will be out Nov. 14 -- of 2008!
Despite the disparity, one encouraging clue that there actually may be something to this is that all of the retailers seem to agree the price of Beautiful Katamari for the Wii will be $29.99, which is $10 cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
Still, there is more confusion than information. If you look around at some of the gaming news and reviews sites, some say it is coming out only for PS3 and Xbox 360, others say it is rumored to be coming out for Wii and still others say it has already been confirmed.
It's enough to drive me CRAZY! Come on, Namco, just give us the word, one way or the other. Please! I need closure on this.
Ummm ... yeah. I guess it's safe to assume that I am a huge Katamari Damacy fan. In fact, I would rank the Katamari series up there among my three favorite games of all time, with the other two being the Civilization computer games and the old text-based Zork games on the Commodore 64.
If you've never played or seen the Katamari games, it's a bit hard to explain the fierce loyalty they inspire, because about the only way to describe the games is that they're about rolling stuff up in a ball. That's it. You have this sticky ball that you roll around, and the stuff you roll over sticks to it. The whole object is to roll over enough stuff that you reach a predetermined size before time runs out. Add to this extremely cheesy graphics, dialogue and soundtrack, and you have one of the hottest-selling games of all time. It sounds weird and dumb, and unless you actually play it, it's hard to understand the appeal. But it's just one of those extremely simple but addictive games like Tetris that inspires players to waste away entire days playing.
Hopefully, we'll find out one way or another before long. In the meantime, if you're a Wii owner suffering from Katamari withdrawl, I would suggest checking out Elebits. On the surface, it's almost nothing like Katamari Damacy, but it does share some of the same addictive elements, such as performing a seemingly simple task (finding x-number of the Elebits creatures hiding in a room) within a certain amount of time. Plus, it's just fun when you get to the point where you're throwing furniture all around the room at a breakneck pace, trying to beat the clock. Someday soon, I'll have to post a full review of the game, but it's been a few months since I've played.
If you're looking for an answer to that, just try Googling "Katamari Wii" and you'll get plenty of answers, all different. Apparently, online retailers seem to believe that the latest installment of the game, Beautiful Katamari, will be coming to the Wii, since they have already added product pages for the game. For instance, if you look for Beautiful Katamari on Amazon,
Despite the disparity, one encouraging clue that there actually may be something to this is that all of the retailers seem to agree the price of Beautiful Katamari for the Wii will be $29.99, which is $10 cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
Still, there is more confusion than information. If you look around at some of the gaming news and reviews sites, some say it is coming out only for PS3 and Xbox 360, others say it is rumored to be coming out for Wii and still others say it has already been confirmed.
It's enough to drive me CRAZY! Come on, Namco, just give us the word, one way or the other. Please! I need closure on this.
Ummm ... yeah. I guess it's safe to assume that I am a huge Katamari Damacy fan. In fact, I would rank the Katamari series up there among my three favorite games of all time, with the other two being the Civilization computer games and the old text-based Zork games on the Commodore 64.
If you've never played or seen the Katamari games, it's a bit hard to explain the fierce loyalty they inspire, because about the only way to describe the games is that they're about rolling stuff up in a ball. That's it. You have this sticky ball that you roll around, and the stuff you roll over sticks to it. The whole object is to roll over enough stuff that you reach a predetermined size before time runs out. Add to this extremely cheesy graphics, dialogue and soundtrack, and you have one of the hottest-selling games of all time. It sounds weird and dumb, and unless you actually play it, it's hard to understand the appeal. But it's just one of those extremely simple but addictive games like Tetris that inspires players to waste away entire days playing.
Hopefully, we'll find out one way or another before long. In the meantime, if you're a Wii owner suffering from Katamari withdrawl, I would suggest checking out Elebits. On the surface, it's almost nothing like Katamari Damacy, but it does share some of the same addictive elements, such as performing a seemingly simple task (finding x-number of the Elebits creatures hiding in a room) within a certain amount of time. Plus, it's just fun when you get to the point where you're throwing furniture all around the room at a breakneck pace, trying to beat the clock. Someday soon, I'll have to post a full review of the game, but it's been a few months since I've played.
Get Free Nintendo Wii items drinking Coca-Cola
I am a heavy Coca Cola drinker so about a year ago I started collecting codes for their "mycokerewards" program. They have continually listed more and more items available for redemption. And now, in addition to a lot of other nice items, they have added the Nintendo Wii console and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End game for the Wii. You would have to drink a lot of coke to be able to get the Wii system but the game is a reasonable goal. I currently have just enough points to get the game but as I said, I drink a lot of Coke and I have been collecting close to a year. I should also mention that I live by myself. Therefore, a family may save up points much faster. Still, that is not a bad reward for drinking Coke for a year considering I would have drank it anyways.
I don't plan to redeem my points for this Wii game but I guess it is possible that I would cash in for a different Wii game someday. I have no way of knowing but I imagine they will soon offer more games. Their two Wii items have only very recently become available. They also have Playstation 2 and XBOX 360 games. And when they first started offering games for those consoles, they only had one or two, but over time, they added more. Hopefully, they will do the same with Wii games. Finally, for those interested in portable gaming, they currently offer the Nintendo DS Game System.
If you would like me to send a referral for you to get signed up, send and email to alanswiimail@prestonsburg.com with mycokerewards in the subject and your email address in the message body.
I don't plan to redeem my points for this Wii game but I guess it is possible that I would cash in for a different Wii game someday. I have no way of knowing but I imagine they will soon offer more games. Their two Wii items have only very recently become available. They also have Playstation 2 and XBOX 360 games. And when they first started offering games for those consoles, they only had one or two, but over time, they added more. Hopefully, they will do the same with Wii games. Finally, for those interested in portable gaming, they currently offer the Nintendo DS Game System.
If you would like me to send a referral for you to get signed up, send and email to alanswiimail@prestonsburg.com with mycokerewards in the subject and your email address in the message body.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Game One: The Sports Package
Currently the only game I own is the Sports Package which comes with the system. Actually, I spent more time trying to find the system than I have playing it. I expect for all that to change soon but I will go ahead and throw in my two cents on the Sports Package. By far, I have done more Bowling than any of the other games and I don't even like real bowling. The rest of games are entertaining but none spectacular. Here is my order of preference: Bowling, Boxing, Baseball, Tennis, and lastly Golf. However, I do look forward to playing Tiger Woods Golf. I have heard that is completely superior to the Sports Package Golf. Supposedly there is no comparison. Overall, I have had fun playing the Sports Package and consider it a terrific starter game for the system especially since it comes with it. It has also let me develop an appreciation for how well their innovative controller technology works as they seem to have nearly perfected it.
My quest to purchase the Nintendo Wii
My parents bought the XBOX 360 for me about a year ago for my birthday but unfortunately it was stolen. Selecting my next console was difficult but I decided to buy the Wii primarily because of the cost. Additionally, I had heard many good reviews of the system. The controller format for the Wii should be intriguing to any gamer and I am certainly no exception. When I decided to purchase the system, I had no idea that they were in such high demand. I called store after store. From Wal-Mart to electronics stores to gaming specialty shops. No one had the system in stock. A sales associate at Best Buy told me to show up at around 5:30 on Wednesdays or Fridays (when their deliveries come in) and they usually have them in stock for about 15 minutes before they sold out. So the next delivery day, I was there by 5:30 and their trucks came in but surprise, surprise; not a single Wii in that shipment. As you can imagine, I had about lost hope. Other stores wouldn't even tell me when they expected to get them and no one would let me purchase one in advance. I was considering paying a premium and ordering one off eBay but I really didn't want to do that since cost was a factor in choosing the system. Finally, a few days after my pointless trip to Best Buy, I was at a friend's house making the usual calls to stores around town (and some out of town), when my friend asked if I had tried EB Games. I had called both of their local stores the day before so I figured it was pointless. But since he mentioned it, I decided to try again. I called one and they didn't have it. Then I called the other store and was shocked when the sales associate told me they had one. I asked him if he could please hold it for me for 10 minutes and he did. I consider myself extremely fortunate that it only took me a little over a week to find the Wii as I had come to the conclusion that it may be a matter of months. Supposedly Nintendo is increasing production so hopefully others won't have to go through what I did before long. If you are wondering whether all this was worth the effort, the answer is absolutely.
Alan's Introduction
Hello, my name is Alan and I am new to the Nintendo Wii. After purchasing the system last week, I received an invitation to join this forum from my brother (evilbilly). Hence, I am also the Uncle of Ralph and Paul who post here as they are my brother's sons. I currently have limited Wii experience to write about so for now I will just detail my endeavor to obtain the Wii and review the Sports Package. Also, I welcome any emails with questions, comments, or whatever. Just send them to alanswiimail@prestonsburg.com.
-- Alan, age 30
Lexington, KY
-- Alan, age 30
Lexington, KY
Monday, May 7, 2007
We're adding another member to the family
The "Wii Are Family" family is growing by one. My brother Alan obtained a Wii just last week and will begin writing here. He will be a valuable addition to the blog, as he is the only one of us who actually has a broadband connection (it's tough living out in the sticks) and will be able to review the Wii's online features. Welcome aboard, Alan! Look for his first post in the next day or so.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Ralph's Introduction
Hello. I'm the older brother, and the better. The Wii is awesome. But I've been finding it a little hard to get into it since my brother hovers over me. he screams in my ear when I beat a new level that it's his turn. Which is why i mostly talk on the phone. He never wants to do that. Oh well.......... I'm not much into sport games, except Wii sports. Also if I'm stuck on a level I will get un-stuck because I AM A CHEATER!!! And the only one in this family. Well that should tell you what kind of person I am and what kind of reviews i will be giving. "Good" reviews that will test every nerve in the game-makers body's............ Tee hee!
-- by Ralph, age 13
-- by Ralph, age 13
Paul's Introduction
Hi, my name is Paul and i'm here to talk about the Wii. The Wii is actually pretty fun. On the Wii you should play sports like golf and baseball on Wii sports. Then you should play other games like The legend of zelda the twighlight princess. Or you could play other game's that are fun like Rayman raving rabbid's or Call of duty 3. Call of duty 3 was so fun that i beat the game
faster than my family could.
-- by Paul, age 8
faster than my family could.
-- by Paul, age 8
The Wii-kly News
Upcoming Game News & Rumors
LEGO Star Wars to Wii? - Fragland.net
LEGO Star Wars (and More) Headed to Wii - Video Game Generation
MySims Nintendo Wii Details and Screenshots - Gameinfowire.com
New MySims Screenshots - Video Game Generation
The Sims: Castaway Stories Cast on Wii and DS - Video Game Generation
Only appropriate properties for Wii, says Disney - Aussie-Nintendo.com
EA Playground Revealed for Wii, DS - Video Game Generation
PC RPG Coming to Wii in 2007 - Cubed3
“Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars” for Nintendo Wii Announced - Game Guru
‘Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars’ Coming to Nintendo Wii - TechShout!
The Nintendo Wii Calls For Heroes - Portal IT
Game News & Reviews
Heatseeker Ships For Nintendo Wii And Playstation 2 - Gameinfowire.com
Spidey 3 Swings To Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, More - S-Times
Whip up dishes with 'Cooking Mama' on Nintendo Wii - Indianapolis Star
'Super Paper Mario' cuts through the chase on Wii - Inside Bay Area
Virtual Console News
Wii's First Downloadable Non-Retro Game Announced - Cubed3
Ordyne Blasts Nintendo Wii VC Next Monday - Video Game Generation
New Ordyne (VC) Screenshots - Video Game Generation
Nintendo Wii Virtual Console Newest Is Sega Heavy - Portable Planet
Impossible Mission to be Available via Wii Shop Channel - Game Guru
Ninja Gaiden, TMNT II hitting the Wii VC - Game Guru
Virtua Fighter 2 Sega Mega Drive Version to hit Nintendo Wii Virtual Console - TechShout!
Hardware & Accessories News
BT Develops 'BT Balance' Laptop Device Using Wii Style Technology - IT News Online
Nintendo on the Wii Zapper shell - Aussie-Nintendo.com
Nintendo Company News
Playing the Wii Aftermarket - TheStreet.com
Nintendo Wii Designer Miyamoto Officially Amongst Time’s Most Influential - GizmoCafe
Time Magazine Helps Nintendo Wii to Win Console Wars - Associated Content
Nintendo's Wii and DS dominate Japan - Aussie-Nintendo.com
Xbox 360 Exec Disses Nintendo Wii, PS3 - NintendoRevolution.ca
Nintendo Wii: Competing Hard - OS News
Coca-Cola give consumers the chance to win Wii's this Summer - Creativematch
Nintendo Wii No Longer an Endangered Species - GizmoCafe
Does being first have its benefits? - Geezer Gamers
Techies use 'Wii-motes' to run robots, appliances, even medical tests - abc13.com
HS: Xbox 360 Games Best Nintendo Wii, PS3 - Portable Planet
Friday, May 4, 2007
Spider-Man 3 game out today
I don't normally like games based on movies, because usually they are pretty bad, but the first two Spider-Man titles were pretty good. Maybe this one holds some promise.
Here's an excerpt from the company press release describing the Nintendo versions:
Here's an excerpt from the company press release describing the Nintendo versions:
Spider-Man 3™ on the Wii™ video game console and PlayStation®2 share the overarching storyline of the movie, feature an expansive free-roaming city, incorporate their own unique red-suited and black-suited Spider-Man combat and gang warfare mechanics, and deliver two exclusive storylines featuring the notorious Marvel villains, Shriek and Morbius. Additionally, Spider-Man 3™ on the Wii takes full advantage of the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ controllers’ capabilities allowing players to experience Spider-Man gameplay in an entirely different way. With a unique new way of web shooting and swinging through the city – the Wii Remote and Nunchuk become your webshooters.
Spider-Man 3™ for the Nintendo DS™ is set in a 3D side scrolling world and delivers complete touch screen handling, in which players must draw upon Spider-Man’s vast array of moves, attacks and upgrades as they choose their path and embark on a wide variety of city-based missions and multiple movie-based and original story arcs. Additionally, Spider-Man 3™ for the Nintendo DS features local wireless multiplayer gameplay featuring with a variety of modes enabling awesome two-player head-to-head challenges like Brawler, Hot Potato, Target Practice, and Combo Challenge. Gameplay differs on the Game Boy™ Advance platform.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
EA planning Wii/DS exclusive sports party game
IGN is reporting today that EA is jumping on the "party game" bandwagon with a new title called "EA Playground," being developed exclusively for the Wii and Nintendo DS. The game, which appears inspired by such titles as Wii Sports and Wii Play, features playground-type sports games, with different games designed for each system. The Wii game will feature games such as tetherball, dodgeball and RC car racing designed to make use of the system's Wii-mote controller, while the DS version will feature games designed around that system's own unique controls, such as "Bug Hunt" and another that uses the DS's microphone feature to launch spitwads.
To see IGN's exclusive coverage, including screen shots, visit http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/784/784856p1.html.
To see IGN's exclusive coverage, including screen shots, visit http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/784/784856p1.html.
Dad's Introduction
Okay, we're about ready to start this thing up. The boys are on board, the site is up and running, and the only thing left to do is to start writing, which I am doing now.
To give you some understanding of what to expect from this site, I suppose I first must give you some idea of who I am. As mentioned in the first post, I am a 37-year-old father of two boys. I have spent my adult life building a career in journalism, but in recent years I have been modestly successful in developing websites that have earned me a nice supplemental income.
Since a good part of my waking hours are spent in front of a computer, I thought it would be nice if I developed a project that I could work on with my boys. Since we all enjoy playing video games, it seemed only natural that whatever we do involve that. I then settled on the idea of focusing on the Nintendo Wii for several reasons. First, we're one of the first lucky few to actually own one of these machines, so we obviously have hands-on experience with it. Second, the Wii is such a hot commodity and in such short supply that there are bound to be plenty of people who still have questions about it.
Finally, our very common family makeup actually provides a unique resource for people to learn about the Wii. We won't be able to give expert reviews of the system or its games, but we will be able to give you a real-world perspective not found anywhere else. When we write about a game, you're not likely to read about graphics engines or polygons or gigawhatchamacallits, but we can tell you if it's fun, and that should be the most important factor in determining whether or not you plunk your hard-earned money down on the counter to buy a game. Plus, you'll get some insight about how a game plays to different groups.
For instance, if you're wanting to buy the new Pokemon
game, my review of the game would be worthless, because I've never liked Pokemon. However, you probably would find out something you wanted to know from my 8-year-old son Paul, who has thus far spent about two-thirds of his life playing Pokemon games. And if you're wanting to know how to complete the latest Zelda
game, once again you're not going to find my advice very useful, because between work, family and other interests, I just don't find enough time in the day to begin and complete epic-length games. My 13-year-old son Ralph, on the other hand, routinely completes games without breaking a sweat, and probably could give you some useful advice.
Still, just because I like a game doesn't mean every adult male will, or vice-versa. For instance, I've never owned a Madden
game in my life, even though I'm a huge NFL fan prone to joining fantasy leagues and ignoring all non-football related things in life for the last four months of the year. Playing a football video game just doesn't cut it for me.
So, while we're not experts at video games, we don't pretend to be. We're just your average family, giving our opinions on the games we play, and maybe you'll find that useful. Maybe not. But we will give our honest opinions about the games we play and you can use them to make your own decisions.
To give you some understanding of what to expect from this site, I suppose I first must give you some idea of who I am. As mentioned in the first post, I am a 37-year-old father of two boys. I have spent my adult life building a career in journalism, but in recent years I have been modestly successful in developing websites that have earned me a nice supplemental income.
Since a good part of my waking hours are spent in front of a computer, I thought it would be nice if I developed a project that I could work on with my boys. Since we all enjoy playing video games, it seemed only natural that whatever we do involve that. I then settled on the idea of focusing on the Nintendo Wii for several reasons. First, we're one of the first lucky few to actually own one of these machines, so we obviously have hands-on experience with it. Second, the Wii is such a hot commodity and in such short supply that there are bound to be plenty of people who still have questions about it.
Finally, our very common family makeup actually provides a unique resource for people to learn about the Wii. We won't be able to give expert reviews of the system or its games, but we will be able to give you a real-world perspective not found anywhere else. When we write about a game, you're not likely to read about graphics engines or polygons or gigawhatchamacallits, but we can tell you if it's fun, and that should be the most important factor in determining whether or not you plunk your hard-earned money down on the counter to buy a game. Plus, you'll get some insight about how a game plays to different groups.
For instance, if you're wanting to buy the new Pokemon
Still, just because I like a game doesn't mean every adult male will, or vice-versa. For instance, I've never owned a Madden
So, while we're not experts at video games, we don't pretend to be. We're just your average family, giving our opinions on the games we play, and maybe you'll find that useful. Maybe not. But we will give our honest opinions about the games we play and you can use them to make your own decisions.
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