To give you some understanding of what to expect from this site, I suppose I first must give you some idea of who I am. As mentioned in the first post, I am a 37-year-old father of two boys. I have spent my adult life building a career in journalism, but in recent years I have been modestly successful in developing websites that have earned me a nice supplemental income.
Since a good part of my waking hours are spent in front of a computer, I thought it would be nice if I developed a project that I could work on with my boys. Since we all enjoy playing video games, it seemed only natural that whatever we do involve that. I then settled on the idea of focusing on the Nintendo Wii for several reasons. First, we're one of the first lucky few to actually own one of these machines, so we obviously have hands-on experience with it. Second, the Wii is such a hot commodity and in such short supply that there are bound to be plenty of people who still have questions about it.
Finally, our very common family makeup actually provides a unique resource for people to learn about the Wii. We won't be able to give expert reviews of the system or its games, but we will be able to give you a real-world perspective not found anywhere else. When we write about a game, you're not likely to read about graphics engines or polygons or gigawhatchamacallits, but we can tell you if it's fun, and that should be the most important factor in determining whether or not you plunk your hard-earned money down on the counter to buy a game. Plus, you'll get some insight about how a game plays to different groups.
For instance, if you're wanting to buy the new Pokemon
Still, just because I like a game doesn't mean every adult male will, or vice-versa. For instance, I've never owned a Madden
So, while we're not experts at video games, we don't pretend to be. We're just your average family, giving our opinions on the games we play, and maybe you'll find that useful. Maybe not. But we will give our honest opinions about the games we play and you can use them to make your own decisions.
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